Septembri webinarid: andmekaitse uue Veeam Backup & Replication™ v11-ga ja tutvume VMware Tanzuga

Kutsume septembris osalema kahel webinaril: Veeam webinaril 21.septembril, kus räägime kuidas uue Veeam Backup and Replication v11 tarkvaraga minimeerida andmekadu ning tagada teie ärikriitiliste IT rakenduste pidev andmekaitse. 29. septembril toimub VMware webinar, kus saame ülevaate Kubernetese klastrite haldamisest VMware Tanzuga.


Andmekaitse Veeam Backup and Replication v11-ga
21. september 10:00 – 11:00

Webinar on inglise keeles!

With the introduction of v11 Veeam has implemented a secondary replication engine designed to reduce RTO to a matter of seconds bringing a new level of continuity to virtual workloads. See the architecture, considerations and a step-by-step configuration process of the newly introduced replication engine. We will help explain the differences between the two available replication engines, give configuration recommendations, and answer any questions you have. During the webinar we will: – discuss the solution architecture and its components – create a CDP replication job – perform a failover operation – compare CDP features with the existing image-based replication.



Ülevaade Kubernetese klastrite haldamisest VMware Tanzuga
29.september 10:00 – 11:00


Tanzu on VMware Kubernetese klastrite haldamise platvorm vSphere- ja ka pilvekeskkondades. See ühtne, sujuv lahendus konteiner-rakenduste jaoks kaotab lõhe IT-operatsioonide ja arendajate vahel, ning pakub uut tüüpi infrastruktuuri kaasaegsete, pilvepõhiste rakenduste jaoks.



Webinar on inglise keeles!

With the rise of Modern Applications and DevOps, the way we run and manage IT infrastructure is changing rapidly. Infrastructure teams are getting more and more requests to deliver Kubernetes clusters to internal developers and external software vendors, while maintaining their vSphere environment. VMware Tanzu provides and easy and enterprise ready way to deploy Kubernetes on your private datacenters or public cloud without sacrificing operations model or security. In this introduction webinar we will discuss the problems we are solving with Tanzu, how you can run both VMs and Kubenetes on your current vSphere platform, and how vSphere admins and developers can work together in the same environment while keeping control of IT resources.



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